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What Should You Know About Gum Disease Treatment?

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We’ve all heard the warnings and know how important regular brushing and flossing are for ensuring the health of our teeth and gums. Some mouthwashes also help prevent gum disease. Today, we know how important it is to prevent the development of gum disease. But what should you do if you develop a problem? What does gum disease treatment in Toronto look like?

The short answer is that it all depends and you will have to go to your periodontist to determine the right treatment option for your specific needs. Gum disease treatment in Toronto is typically something that your periodontist can do at his/her office. It may involve minor surgery, the use of lasers, or in-office ‘deep cleanings’.

Improved gum tissue health is the best way to avoid developing gum disease and is something you need to consistently do at home. Even after treatment for gum disease, you will still need to make regular maintenance a priority.

Ask your dentist what areas you need to improve. Maybe you need to use an electric toothbrush with a timer to ensure you are getting hard to reach places, or maybe you need to step up your flossing game. If you floss and your gums bleed, that’s a sign you need to do more of it for the sake of your gum health.

That’s because gum disease starts when plaque builds up under and along your gum line. This sticky film-like substance is filled with bacteria and can cause infections that hurt the gum and bone, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque can also cause gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of gum disease.

Gingivitis causes your gums to become inflamed, tender, red, swollen and prone to bleeding. The good news is that since the bone and tissue holding your teeth in place aren’t impacted, this damage is reversible through proper oral care.

Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease that impacts the bones that hold your teeth in place. Left untreated, it can ruin the gums, bones and tissues connected to your teeth. Advanced periodontitis is the final stage of gum disease and is when your fibres and bone supporting your teeth are destroyed. In this case teeth may need to be removed.

If you constantly have a bad taste in your mouth or bad breath, feel like permanent teeth are loose, have gums that easily bleed or that are swollen, red or tender, you should schedule a check-up with your dentist to ensure you aren’t developing gum disease.

The best thing to do is stay diligent and take care of your gum health at home. If you do so, you may be able to avoid needing extensive gum disease treatment in Toronto. Take care of your teeth and gums before letting gum disease take root.