Learning you have gum disease can sometimes be a shock and leave you with questions. Besides wondering how it happened, what kinds of measures you can take to prevent it from worsening, and what the treatment entails, you might also have questions about your future oral health. Periodontists are [...]
Periodontal disease can be a scary diagnosis, and you may have a lot of questions about the disease and your treatment options. Here are the answers to a few periodontics services Toronto FAQs. What Is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums, which, if left untreated, [...]
Regular dental cleanings are probably very familiar to most people. Once or twice a year, you pay a visit to your dentist, check your teeth, remove any accumulated plaque, and give your teeth a good brushing with a gritty toothpaste and high-powered brush. But what happens when you need [...]
You may not be familiar with the term, but crown lengthening is actually a common dental procedure. It’s sometimes used for cosmetic purposes, as in the case of someone who has what is often referred to as a “gummy smile” – a situation where excessive gum coverage makes teeth [...]
Gum disease treatment in Toronto is not as scary as it sounds. Gum disease can be very harmful for your oral health. If ignored or not adequately managed, it can impact your overall health and quality of life. Periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum disease otherwise known as [...]
Chronic periodontitis, also known as gum disease, can be painful and detrimental to your overall health if not treated promptly, and properly. Chronic periodontitis is a very common gum disease that causes swelling in the gums. This chronic inflammation is caused by a buildup of plaque. Early stages of [...]
We all lose teeth, it’s a part of life, in our adolescence, sometimes in our youth, and then in the later years; sometimes, unfortunately, a little earlier than we should. Many people aren’t aware of the variety of options which exist to help replace a lost tooth. One of [...]
Maybe you have a sensitive tooth. Or maybe you were told at your last dental cleaning that you have a cavity that needs to be filled, but you just haven’t had the time to book that appointment. Life gets busy, and unless it’s an emergency, it’s easy to put [...]
Missing teeth can impact our self-confidence, our speech, and our ability to eat certain foods. Missing teeth can also cause structural damage to our mouths, as the teeth on either side of the gap move inward because there is no tooth to stop them. It is important for many [...]
If you are suffering from any teeth problem then you must take help from Cumberland Periodontics and Implant Surgery Clinic. They provide treatments like root planning Toronto, dental implants Toronto and many more. Let us discuss some useful tips to know for caring for dental implants. [...]