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Periodontal Disease Treatment: The Facts and How to Avoid It

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What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is an advanced bacterial infection of the gums, periodontal ligament, and bone. The word periodontal means, simply, “around the tooth”, signaling the areas that are affected by this often serious condition. At its earliest stage, the main symptom of periodontal disease is inflammation. At its most severe stage, it can lead to separation between the tooth and bone, and eventually to tooth loss.

How Do You Get Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is caused by a dental plaque build-up that arises from lack of consistent and effective oral hygiene. Often, this stems from not brushing and flossing your teeth often or well enough, or missing check-ups with your dentist to make sure your mouth gets a deep cleaning every once in a while. The early phase of gum infection is also known as gingivitis: this is when bacteriaspreads below the gum line and inflammation and bleeding begins, andit is recommended that treatment be addressed as early as possible.

How Can I Prevent Periodontal Disease?

The most effective periodontal disease treatment is to catch the disease at the outset and avoid letting bacterial infection spread. If you suspect that you may be affected, a quick visit to your dentist will tell you all you need to know:they will be able to diagnose andprovide you with effective treatment to stop further spreading, and suggest treatments for current damage. Researchers believe that many causes, such as smoking or genetic factors, influence those who get periodontal disease, but none of these are as impactful if good oral hygieneis practiced daily.

What Is The Best Periodontal Disease Treatment?

There are a few different treatments options that your dentist might recommend for periodontal disease treatment:

1. Periodontal regenerationis a minimally invasive procedure thatregenerates lost bone and soft tissue in any affected areas, by removing the disease-causing bacteria and encouraging your body’s ability to generate new tissue.

2.  Periodontal grafts are effective for stimulating receding gums’ growth. This procedure is done by taking gum tissue from a different part of the mouth to replace and reproduce lost tissue.

3.  Periodontal Flaps are effective for getting a thorough clean around your teeth and gums, and reshaping any areas that have decayed. Theycan also be used to activate the regeneration of bone and tissue around the area.

If you have any further questions, or would like to check in about your oral health, head over to our contact page and we will be glad to help